When Employers look for good People, they find Workforce Alliance
Employment Solutions for Greater New Haven & Middlesex Counties
Employment Solutions for Greater New Haven & Middlesex Counties
Business Services Coordinator
(203) 867-4030 x 233
Help you take advantage of each of the following FREE staffing services for employers.
Workforce Alliance can provide employers with grants that offset 50-75% of eligible new-hire wages while they learn essential job skills through employment. Jobs must be permanent and full-time with a clear career pathway. Eligible candidates may include dislocated workers as the result of COVID-19, low income adults or youth, or participants in sector-based training programs. See below for Frequently Asked Questions about On-the-Job Training (OJT).
Workforce Alliance is accepting applications to help organizations receive wage funding for COVID-related community work including food distribution, child care, crisis management, and vaccine clinics. (203) 867-4030 x 267 or LEARN MORE >>>
Ideal for non-profits, small businesses, or even municipal agencies. Provide 8-12 weeks of work experience and receive an hourly wage subsidy. Payroll functions and worker’s compensation insurance for participants may be provided. Get the extra help you need and give someone valuable work experience.
Send job postings to your specialist to be circulated through the American Job Center network and posted to our ESSENTIAL EMPLOYER RECRUITING & HIRING PAGE. Schedule a Virtual Recruitment Event hosted by our team or join job clubs via Zoom to share your company’s hiring needs and “meet” candidates.
Matching grants may be available. Employers can get help training incumbent employees for new skills that lead to retention and worker advancement. Customized training builds a hiring pool with specific skills. Companies intending to hire pay a portion of the cost, while Workforce Alliance matches the funds, secures the training provider, and recruits and screens candidates.
Candidates trained in special programs can be matched to your company’s needs AND are eligible for all business services. Learn more about each, then talk to your staffing services specialist:
Workforce Alliance and the employer develop a training plan for each candidate. Training takes place at a Connecticut businesss, while a person is doing the actual job. Outside instruction is not required. An experienced employee or supervisor ensures that the person is getting the knowledge and skills necessary to be productive using your establishment equipment and training techniques.
Candidates are screened and assessed for skills, aptitudes, and interests, and are referred through the American Job Center network or through special programs. Candidates identified directly by employers will be screened for eligibility only prior to starting work.
Eligible candidates are Connecticut residents who are unemployed or underemployed (working less than full-time, or working below their level of education or experience), and may also meet other criteria such as low household income, young adult (ages 18-24) and out of school, or dislocated workers due to COVID-19.
The average training contract and reimbursement is 12-16 weeks, and is agreed upon by both Workforce Alliance and the employer. Trainees are full-time, permanent employees at a business and continue to be so after the OJT contract is completed.
Employers are reimbursed for a percentage of the cost of wages for the new hire for the duration of the training period. Monthly documentation is required for wages paid and hours worked. Depending on the placement, hourly wage minimum and maximums apply.
Employers are not required to return payments if the candidate leaves employment, either during an OJT contract period or after. However, Workforce Alliance staff will attempt to identify the reasons why a candidate was not successful through follow up with the employer and the candidate.
Yes! Employers who demonstrate a commitment to long-term, permanent employment for new hires and who have several positions to fill that meet criteria can have multiple OJT contracts.
A Business Services Specialist will contact you.
Workforce Alliance Business Services are funded in whole or part by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration and other federal and Connecticut Department of Labor programs. Equal opportunity employer programs. Auxiliary aids and serves are available upon request to individuals with disabilities